SML@NeurIPS 2020
Conference Papers
- Jean Kaddour, Steindór Sæmundsson, Marc Deisenroth (2020). Probabilistic Active Meta-Learning. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS).
- Viacheslav Borovitskiy, Alexander Terenin, Peter Mostowsky, Marc Deisenroth (2020). Matérn Gaussian Processes on Riemannian Manifolds. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS).
Workshop Papers
Daniel Lengyel, Janith Pentangoda, Isak Falk, Kate Highnam, Michalis Lazarou, Arinbjörn Klbeinsson, Marc Deisenroth, Nicholas R. Jennings. GENNI: Visualising the Geometry of Equivalences for Neural Network Identifiability. NeurIPS Workshop “Differential Geometry meets Deep Learning”
Mihaela Rosca, Theophane Weber, Arthur Gretton, Shakir Mohamed. A case for new neural networks smoothness constraints. NeurIPS Workshop “I cannot believe it is not better”
- Marc Deisenroth and Cheng Soon Ong (2020). There and Back Again: A Tale of Slopes and Expectations. Tutorial at NeurIPS 2020.
- Shirley Ho, Michael Lutter, Alexander Terenin, Lei Wang. Interpretable Inductive Biases and Physically Structured Learning. Workshop at NeurIPS 2020.
- New in ML Affinity Workshop. Panel with Hugo Larochelle, Finale Doshi-Velez, Devi Parikh, Marc Deisenroth, Julien Mairal, Katja Hofmann, Phillip Isola, and Michael Bowling